Welcome to Psykologerne ved Kongens Nytorv
Psykologerne at Kongens Nytorv has more than 30 years of experience with individual, couple, family and group therapy. We offer therapy within a wide range of problems, which you can read more about below. You can book an appointment with a psychologist by calling tel. +45 33 32 88 14, write an email to psykologerne@pvkn.dk or book directly through our online booking system (only for clients without referral). We are located near Kongens Nytorv in the heart of Copenhagen.
- Relationship conflicts and couples therapy
- Depression and stress
- Anxiety, social anxiety and OCD
- Low self-esteem
- Trauma and PTSD
- Grief and unresolved loss
- Crisis and related problems
- Eating disorders
- Fear of exams, meetings and job interviews
- Sexual assault and abuse
- Loneliness
- Integration problems
- Difficulties in social interaction
- Self-destructive behavior
- Children with specific difficulties and child development
- Puberty and youth problems
Prices (effective from February 2020):
Individual therapy: 50 min.: 1000 DKK
Couples therapy: 60 min.: 1300 DKK
90 min.: 1900 DKK
120 min.: 2200 DKK
Cancellation policy
Cancellations must be made no later than the day prior to your appointment at 12:00 noon, otherwise full rate is paid.
Cancellations can be made via phone call, voice mail or e-mail.
Contact information:
You can book an appointment with a psychologist by calling tel. +45 33 32 88 14, write an email to psykologerne@pvkn.dk or book directly through our online booking system.
Our adress:
Psykologerne ved Kongens Nytorv
Store Kongensgade 36-38, 2. tv.
1264 København K